Mount Edward - 24/2/2002

Lake Tekapo not looking quite as blue as it does in real life, and some misty peaks in the


Tekapo and some rather pleasing clouds.


Some of the plains / Mountains to the south of Mt. Edward - Cor.


Jo - the big wuss, had to stop for a rest halfway up. So i filled the time taking some pics.


Mount Cook looming up over the other Mountains nearby, and Tekapo.


Yay! Steep, loose scree, everyones favourite walking surface.


Jo, performing YMCA. An NZ tradition to be performed upon reaching the summit of a


Me attempting to look moody and contemplative, on the summit of 'my' mountain. I'm not
quite sure if it works, but i was definitely super-chuffed at the time :oD


The ridge we followed up all the way from the plains.


Looking back at the summit of Mt. Edward


Some pleasantly lumpy looking hills in the sunset light, on the descent.


On the way down, the moon rose over the summit of Mt. Edward. More proof that
the Mountain Gods were on our side that day.

More sunset action. Note: although it looks quite dark, at no point were we in any danger of getting
lost in the bush, in total darkness. I have learned my lesson, honest.


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